“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
WWII Airwaves Romance
As the first female news broadcaster for Press Wireless in NYC, Jeanne Fuller and Chief Petty Officer Moore met on the airwaves with the dot-dash of Morse code. As a senior level cryptogropher and radio communications security specialist they communicated for months over the airwaves before they met in her broadcast studio at Press WIreless studios in Manhattan. His ship elected him to bring her a gift. As The Chief is planning his trip to NYC, Jeanne and her older sister Alice were each working in Times Square supporting war efforts.
JEANNE FULLERFor many months, in an era of dot-dash Morse Code broadcasting, many on the receiving end of Jeanne's broadcasts had no idea it was a woman serving up their news feed. In those days she normally signed off simply as "JF". As the story goes, the night she signed of with "Jeanne" it sent a ripple around not only the global servicemen receiving her broadcasts, Press Wireless had to scramble and get Jeanne into a photo studio for publicity shots when requests for her picture came pouring in.
Hosting civilian and military broadcast guests were an integral part of delivering the news.
Visiting military dignitaries came by the studio to show their appreciation for Jeane and her news broadcast style she delivered for the troops.
As the first female Press Wireless broadcast personality she was paving the way for womenin a technical era with the latest broadcast technology. Jeanne and The Chief met in the first form of online dating: Morse Code. Their passion for codes and ciphers was evident in the personal messages they sent that would need to be decrypted when received.
Press Wireless Radio News
By day Alice was a Champion Riviter assembling Avengers and Hellcats for the war efforts. In the evenings Alice danced in Manhattan and on Long Island at various venues with an assortment of professional dancers and celebrities. Currently she is 93, still living on Long Island and I am making efforts to document her stories. The sisters were both beautiful and talented, living for the moment in uncertain times. They both had sons in the same year, and then daughters eleven years later.
Jeanne & Alice Fuller on a rare occasion in upstate New York where they had been placed in a Catholic orphanage. Ultimately separated and raised in vastly differently environments, a few times during their tween and teen years they were able to arrange visits. This was taken on one of those rare occasions.
- transmit (a program or some information) by radio or television.
"the announcement was broadcast live" - scatter (seeds) by hand or machine rather than placing in drills or rows.
- a radio or television program or transmission. adjective
of or relating to radio or television transmission.
"a broadcast journalist"